"Coming together is the beginning,
Keeping together is progress,
Working together is success."

Henry Ford

In this sense, the current progress and successes of our work can be found here.
December 23, 2021: Final report published

The DPNB project report has been written in a joint effort over the last few months. This has now been published at the KIT Bibliothek and can be accessed there under DOI 10.5445/IR/1000141238.

November 24, 2021: Final meeting

The end of the project is approaching and so we met for the final meeting on November 24. The agenda included a review of the project time and short presentations by the project partners. After the lunch break the lessons learned were worked out and after an impulse talk by Prof. Furmans the future cooperation was explored. The meeting was rounded off by the presentation of a spin-off, a presentation on a dissertation written in the project and an external project presentation. The PTKA was again present the whole time and had helpful hints at the end - many thanks for that!

March 03rd-04th, 2021: 3. Milestone Meeting

We are now well practiced in conducting digital milestone meetings, so it was no surprise that this year’s meeting also took place in virtual form. The focus of the first day was on the results of the different work packages. On the second day, we focused on organizational topics such as the final report, on the one hand, and very specific topics of our MVP, on the other. We ended the evening of the first day at least in a virtual round with free discussion and some games. The PTKA was also present the whole time - many thanks for that!

July 16th-17th, 2020: 2. Milestone Meeting

Due to Corona, we postponed our on-site milestone meeting in March to July 2020 - at least for a virtual exchange in a large group. On the first day each project partner went into detail about one important result of the last months. On the second day, we again devoted ourselves to the overall process in order to discuss important interface topics.

September 16th-17th, 2019: 1. Milestone Meeting

It was time for a first conclusion! Over two days the consortium met to draw a first conclusion of the first results, but also to discuss further issues. Again some assumptions could be made and basic conditions could be determined, whereas on the other hand new open points arose. So we do not run out of work and we continue as usual!

July 16th, 2019: 3rd MVP - Workshop

In order to monitor the evolution of the MVP and take some decisions for the next steps, Trumpf invited the project partner to yet another MVP-Workshop. Bosch presented their achievements on the MVP-Broker user interface. The other dicusssion points should help all project partner to implement the broker services they are responsible for. The MVP should be operational by late Fall 2019, we look forward to seeing it working!

Mai 27th, 2019: 2nd MVP - Workshop

The second MVP workshop dealt with topics such as manufacturing preferences, capacity planning and quality metrics, but also software architecture and the description of the individual tasks of the broker. On the basis of these topics, the joint vision of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) was sharpened and concrete working points were defined for the individual work packages. The very good discussions showed the complexity of the questions. In the MVP we want to try to solve them as minimalistically and goal-oriented as possible. The experience gained is also incorporated into the more in-depth reflections of the work packages.

May 7th, 2019: Workshop „Basic conditions und Use Case 0“

On May 7th, representatives of all project partners of the DPNB consortium met at the Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) in Karlsruhe for a workshop on “Framework conditions and Use Case 0”. Methodical solutions were collected in groups. These were then discussed and substantiated by all participants in the form of an open discussion. It became clear that the project has made huge leaps in the last weeks and that we can already look forward to the next months. Something big is emerging!

March 28th, 2019: MVP-Workshop

The goal of this day was to concretise a first Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Trumpf invited therefore all project partners to meet in Ditzingen. Through the discussion of concrete decision points, we were able to develop a common vision for the MVP.

End of January 2019: Kick-Off Meeting

The Kick-Off Workshop took place on 30 and 31 January. On these days, representatives of all project partners of the consortium met at the Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) in Karlsruhe. Among other things, the four use cases and the project plan were defined. Now the work can begin!